Hello and welcome to the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital doggy tales blog. Nilani and I encourage you to follow along and please feel free to leave comments. To do so, click on the link at the bottom of the message that says (#) C O M M E N T S. We would love to hear from you.

"The participant is a faculty member at UCSF. However, the views and opinions of the participant expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Regents of the University of California, UCSF, UCSF Medical Center, or any entities or units thereof."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First time for everything :)

Last night, I gave Nilani her first bath. I was so nervous and afraid that it was going to be a very messy ordeal BUT she did AMAZING!!! Lani jumped into the tub and stood almost perfectly still the entire time. She is so soooo soft now. Unfortunately she smells like dog now. Does anyone have any recommendations of shampoo and conditioner that leaves a dog smelling pretty rather than like a wet dog??

I don't think I have laughed as hard as I did when it came time to dry Lani off. I started towel drying Lani and she thought she would help. She started rubbing herself all over me. She became completely tangled in towels, she was climbing all over me and winding herself under my legs. It was the funniest craziest thing I have ever seen.

I also found out that Lani is scared of cats, which is weird and funny because CCI has a cat named ADA. So I am a little puzzled.

Today Lani laid with a little boy in the playroom. He didn't want her to come over at first and eventually he started to ask for her. By the end of the playroom shift she was lying on the floor next to him. He kept saying "I think she likes me." He also helped me walk Lani to his room. His smile was GINORMOUS!

One of CCI's requirements is to get set up with a vet and have a "well dog" check up. Lani had her first "well dog" vet check today. She did great and passed with flying colors. If anyone is looking for an awesome vet with patience I highly recommend Steve Randle at Pacifica Pet Hospital. I have never owned an animal before let alone a dog and this vet was great. He took the time to listen to my questions, fully checked Lani and gave me a lot of great recommendations from toothpaste, dog chews, flea meds, ect. Great place, even if it is a little out of the way :)

Alrighty we are off to rest. Thanks for reading :)


Anonymous said...

Awwww..wish I was up there to see more of the Lani/Jen magic :) teresa

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen and Nilani,
This is Martina, Nilani's Breeder Caretaker. I just found your blog today and I'm reading everything. What a wonderful way to share the "yellow brick miracle road" (both of you are blondes) with all of us. I am so proud of both of you. You mentioned in this post that you gave Lani a bath and wanted some suggestions for shampoo. Over the past 12 years that I have been a puppy raiser and breeder caretaker for CCI, I have made my own dog shampoo from a receipe that CCI's Dr. Ruth game me years ago. Personally, I love it and it is way less expensive that store bought shampoos and it is easy on the coat and does not dry out the dog. When I was a puppy raiser, I use to bath my pups in training with this ingredient about every two weeks and it never dried out the coat. Here are the ingredients if you are interested:

I mix everything in a gallon plastic milk jug.

22 oz Dove dish soap…this may be hard to find….you can substitute with Ivory soap or any mild dish soap maybe anti-bacterial like Palmolive or Dawn.

1 cup white vinegar….this really cuts the dirt and oil smells. The dog will have a slight vinegar smell after you bath her, but it will dissipate after a day...personally I like the smell...it smells clean.

1/2 cup 100% Natural glycerin (not glycerin soap)...I buy this at Rite Aide/Longs Drug Store.....6 oz bottle.

3/4 gallon of water or fill the remainder of the gallon milk jug to the top with water.

you can also buy some "essence" at a health food type store if you want to add some pretty smells to the mixture....cedar essence is
nice...add a few drops to the mixture. Lavendar essence makes the dog smell like a Princess.

Once you have everything mixed in the gallon milk jug, pour the mixture back into the dish soap container and use it as your shampoo bottle....very handy.

Kisses and hugs to your both.

Martina Brumley, Breeder Caretaker of Nilani's Mom, Hilani III