Hello and welcome to the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital doggy tales blog. Nilani and I encourage you to follow along and please feel free to leave comments. To do so, click on the link at the bottom of the message that says (#) C O M M E N T S. We would love to hear from you.

"The participant is a faculty member at UCSF. However, the views and opinions of the participant expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Regents of the University of California, UCSF, UCSF Medical Center, or any entities or units thereof."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nilani's Doggy Shower

Friday September 24th was Nilan’s doggy shower and she started the day off not feeling well. We ended up going to the vet the morning of as she had not eating and was difficult to get her up and moving. Nilani seemed to be doing much better by the time the party started. All of the tests run by the vet came back normal.

Many people around the hospital thought the party meant that Nilani was pregnant. Nilani is not pregnant. The party was to welcome her to the hospital now that she has had a chance to settle in. We wanted to thank everyone that came to Nilani’s doggy shower. We appreciated all of your support and hope that you had a great time. Below is a link to the pictures from the event

Nilani got some fun toys and was very spoiled. Again thank you everyone for coming and for your continued support.