Hello and welcome to the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital doggy tales blog. Nilani and I encourage you to follow along and please feel free to leave comments. To do so, click on the link at the bottom of the message that says (#) C O M M E N T S. We would love to hear from you.

"The participant is a faculty member at UCSF. However, the views and opinions of the participant expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Regents of the University of California, UCSF, UCSF Medical Center, or any entities or units thereof."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Drum roll please......

FINALLY it is time.....Drum roll please........ Our dog's name is Nilani!!!

Some fun facts about our dog:
*She is a yellow lab and gold retriever mixed.
*Her birthday is May 12, 2008
*Loves to play with a blue ball called the jolly ball and tennis balls doesn't care for frisbees)
*Loves to have her tummy rubbed, in fact, once you start petting her she will normally roll onto her back.
*When I give her the DOWN command she normally crawls under my chair and goes down
*She is 54lbs fully grown and her head is right above my knee in height when she is walking around.
*When she rides in a car she tends to put herself in the foot well(see picture below)*She has many boyfriends at CCI, a picture of one of them is below

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are all such great picures! Can't wait to see Nilani and you! Someone from surgical waiting already brought a water bowl for her :)
Take care,